Friday, May 13, 2011


Wow! People put a lot of work into graduations! this will be crazy!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

White carnations

White Carnation are said to symbolize innocence, good luck, and purity.  Also know as dianthus (the Greek word for “Flowers of God”), Carnations have show up for many years in history. The Carnation is believed to be from Egypt as well as Greece. 
               Carnations are sometimes put on food dishes by restaurants for a more decorative look. They’re also used in soaps perfumes and body lotion. These flowers can mean great love and passion. That is why in some countries they are given away on Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Teachers’ Day, and Parents’ Day. Carnations are also worn on May Day as a symbol of the labor movement. Green Carnations are worn on St. Patrick’s Day.